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Morganville Dentistry Expert, Dr. Richard Champagne, Creates Beautiful Smiles For Patients April 5, 2010

Posted by richardchampagne22 in Uncategorized.

One of the first things anyone notices about a person is his/her teeth. When we smile, our teeth tell a great deal about how we view ourselves and the image we wish to project. This Morganville dentist offers an array of dental procedures, cleanings, and porcelain veneers to help improve the look of teeth so that patients can project that positive, confident image they want people to see when they meet.

Morganville, NJ 3/24/10 — Dr. Richard Champagne, DMD, MAGD is pleased to announce that his practice offers the very latest in cosmetic dentistry to improve the smiles of his patients. When someone has chipped, crooked, or stained teeth, his/her smile projects a lower image of the person than he/she would desire. Through the use of cosmetic dentistry, most patients can improve their appearance and project a happy, confident image every time they smile.

Dr. Champagne uses the latest in teeth cleaning and whitening procedures to give those whose teeth are in reasonable good shape the best smile possible. Where needed, he uses porcelain veneers and caps to straighten, whiten, and align the teeth better. He also offers the latest innovations in teeth straightening with Invisalign braces being available to patient who need their teeth straightened.

He also offers the latest in porcelain implants to replace teeth lost to decay or trauma. In addition, sedation dentistry is available for those patients who are going to need major work but are afraid to go to the dentist. This option ensures that the process is painless and leaves the patient no reason to fear seeing Dr. Champagne.

For more information about cosmetic dentistry and how Dr. Champagne can improve the smiles of those in and around Morganville, visit his website at http://drchampagne.com/ or contact his office at

25 Kilmer Dr

Building 3 Suite 216

Morganville, NJ 07751

Phone: 732-972-0918


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